Episode 3.3: Filipino Coconut Macaroons with Kalamansi Curd | What does Fair Trade really mean?


Here’s my recipe that’s a twist on Filipino Coconut Macaroons — they’re each topped with a perfectly sweet and tart kalamansi curd. These are super easy to make, and this recipe can be made gluten free! In this video we also talk about what Fair Trade means to coconut farmers in the Philippines.

Coconut Macaroons with Kalamansi Curd

Yields: 2 dozen


Kalamansi Curd

  • 1/3 c 100% pure kalamansi concentrate 

  • 2/3 c sugar

  • 6 T butter

  • 3 egg yolks + 1 whole egg 

Coconut Macaroon Nests

  • 350 grams unsweetened coconut flakes (I do not recommend using sweetened)

  • 2 T rice flour (can substitute with other flours) 

  • 1 t vanilla extract 

  • 1 - 14 oz can sweetened condensed milk

  • 2 egg whites


Kalamansi Curd

  1. Pour kalamansi concentrate, sugar, and butter into a sauce pan. Heat on medium and stir until butter is melted.

  2. Using a hand mixer, beat egg yolks and whole egg until frothy. 

  3. Slowly pour kalamansi-sugar-butter mixture into egg mixture -- go slowly to not scramble the eggs! Whisk constantly. 

  4. Once all of the egg mixture has been added, add the entire mixture back to the sauce pan. 

  5. Heat over low heat until a curd is formed. It should take about 10 minutes. 

  6. Place curd in a bowl and cover with saran wrap. Store in the fridge while preparing the macaroons.

Coconut Macaroons

  1. Roughly pulse unsweetened coconut flakes in food processor. 

  2. In a large bowl, combine coconut flakes, rice flour, sweetened condensed milk, and vanilla extract. 

  3. Using a mixer, beat the egg whites until they form stiff peaks

  4. Gently fold the egg whites into the coconut mixture. 

  5. Scoop the coconut macaroon batter onto a baking sheet to form even sized balls. 

  6. Use your thumb/fingers to shape the batter into a nest.

  7. Bake the macaroons at 350°degrees F for 15 minutes or until macaroons are lightly toasted.

  8. Let cool, then use a spoon to add kalamansi curd to each cookie. 

  9. Save the remaining kalamansi curd for dipping!


Episode 3.4: Ginataang Hipon | The Impact of Climate Change on Coconut Farmers


Episode 3.2: Ube Biko | Issues Facing Coconut Farmers in the Philippines