Episode 3.4: Ginataang Hipon | The Impact of Climate Change on Coconut Farmers


This video is all about how to make Ginataang Hipon, or shrimp cooked in coconut milk.  As a kid growing up in the diaspora, I have fond memories of eating with my hands as a child. Ginataang hipon is certainly one of my favorites that my mom would prepare.  This is her recipe! In this video, I also talk about how our planet’s changing climate affects the coconut farming industry.


  • 4-5 garlic cloves, minced

  • 2 thumbs ginger, cut into large slices

  • 1 T oil

  • 3-4 thai chilis (can adjust to taste), diced

  • 1 large shallot (½ cup), finely chopped

  • 1-1.5 lbs head-on shrimp, preferably 8-10 count (13-15 or 16-20 also works)

  • 2 T patis 

  • 2 spoonfuls bagoong alamang 

  • 1-13 oz can coconut milk

  • For garnish: Thai chilis, green onion, sesame seeds


  1. Wash, dry, and remove whiskers from shrimp. 

  2. Add oil to a pan over medium-low. Saute ginger and garlic for 2-3 minutes. 

  3. Add chopped shallot to pan and saute until slightly translucent. 

  4. Turn heat up to medium. Add shrimp to pan and cook until “half cooked” (I look for the shrimp to turn half orange)

  5. Add patis and coconut milk, and stir. 

  6. Add chilis and bagoong alamang. Bring to a simmer. 

  7. Cover for 2 minutes or until shrimp is just cooked. Be careful not to overcook! 

  8. Optionally, remove shrimp and simmer sauce until thickened to your liking.

  9. Serve with rice. Garnish with more thai chilis, green onion, and sesame seeds for garnish.


Episode 3.5: Laing | Western Capitalism and the Coconut Farming Industry


Episode 3.3: Filipino Coconut Macaroons with Kalamansi Curd | What does Fair Trade really mean?